Very Pleasant Transit Center

Very Pleasant Transit Center is the final chapter in the Endless Monsoon saga. Angela and Jess are reunited and managing a more stable existence. Jess is entranced by an old duplex and becomes obsessed with finding a way to purchase the home and build toward her dream of security. Will she prevail? Meanwhile, the city is experiencing a particularly harsh summer and the rise of a new, mosquito-transmitted virus. Will everyone survive unscathed?
The comic was also the inspiration for an installation that the Emergency Room and the Comic Art Teaching and Study Workshop of Rice University presented in November of 2016. From the press release:
Very Pleasant Transit Center is both an installation and a comic book of the same name. The comic book, VPTC, is the fourth installment of the ongoing series Endless Monsoon, written and illustrated by Sarah Welch. The Endless Monsoon narrative follows the everyday lives of two female protagonists set in an exaggerated vision of the Gulf Coast as subtropical swamp. The exploits and vignettes chronicled in the books are an unabashed jumble of first person experience, borrowed, and invented episodes. The installation Very Pleasant Transit Center replicates a bus stop featured in the comic and functions as a reading room for visitors to experience the book within.
Rice University Emergency Room Gallery
Click here to view documentation of the installation.
3-Color Risograph Printing ~ Measures 7″ X 5″ ~ 56 pages
Very Pleasant Transit Center also made Robert Boyd's list of favorites from 2016!